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Guitar and bass amps
Lead instruments Lead vocals Professional stage miking Professional studio recording |
Since its introduction in 1993 our C 3000 has become a standard for a wide range of both studio and onstage applications. The new redesigned C 3000 is a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing product update which maintains the popular characteristics of the C 3000, however a new sleek and classy finish showcases AKG’s new Corporate Design. It is a great selection for both recording and live sound applications, where maximum sound quality and robustness are a must, and the competitive price makes the C 3000 a must-have. The new C 3000 features a cardioid pickup pattern, a 20Hz to 20kHz frequency response, low noise electronics, high SPL capability and an internal shock mount, which drastically reduces handling noise from mic stands or cables. The switchable 10dB preattenuation pad increases the SPL capability by 10 dB and accommodates loud instruments like brass instruments or guitar amplifiers with ease. The switchable first-order 500Hz low frequency filter eliminates the proximity effect for close-miking. Proven for more than 15 years and affordably priced, the C 3000 is an excellent choice for every high quality recording or demanding live sound application. |
Polar pattern | cardioid |
Frequency range | 20 to 20,000 Hz |
Sensitivity | 25 mV/Pa (-32 dBV) |
Max. SPL | 140/150 dB (k=0,5%) |
Equivalent noise level | 14 dB-A |
Signal/noise ratio (A-weighted) | 80 dB |
Preattenuation pad | 10 dB, switchable |
Impedance | 200 ohms |
Recommended load impedance | >1000 ohms |
Supply voltage | 9 to 52 V phantom power to IEC 61938 |
Powering | <2 mA |
Connector | 3-pin XLR |
Finish | matte grayish blue |
Dimensions | max. dia.: 53 mm (2.1 in.), length: 162 mm (6.4 in.) |
Net weight | 320 g / 11.3 oz. |
Shipping weight | 950 g / 2.1 lbs. |
Patent(s) | Electrostatic transducer (Patent no. AT 395.225, DE 4.103.784, JP 2.815.488) |
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